Juicing for Health

They say you are what you eat. But are you also what you drink? Cutting out cans of fizzy pop packed with dastardly sugars and replacing them with healthy, jumping juices is both simple to do and So good for you.

If you’re hooked on soft drinks packed with the wrong kind of sugars - from high-energy sports drinks to daily cans of bubbly pop - it’s worth trying to change your ways. These products are, in the main, not only bad for your teeth and waistline with their high-sugar content; they also tend to be lacking all important nutrients such as vitamin A and C. Not to mention that they most usually lack vital minerals like magnesium and calcium too.

In the UK, to add insult to injury, we consume vast quantities of tea and coffee. According to the UK Tea Council, we guzzle 165 million cups of tea a day as a nation, which amounts to a staggering 62 billion cups per year. While the odd cuppa has actually been proven to be good for us with its dose of antioxidants to help ward-off free radicals that can damage our health, too much caffeine can make us irritable, disrupt sleep patterns and cause palpitations.

So, it makes sense to try to cut out or cut back on those sickly sweet cans of pop - often containing as much as seven to eight tsps of sugar per can. Try to limit your tea intake where possible and replace with kinder juicing alternatives that your body will just love.

The good news is that healthy juices these days are delicious and fun - you won’t be doing battle with the liquid equivalent of cabbage soup!

Read on to learn more about a selection of mouth-watering alternatives that are equally kind to your palate as they are good for your wellbeing.

Let the juices flow…

The most obvious and simple alternative to a sugary, soft drink is a refreshing glass of fruit or vegetable juice. And the healthiest form of this liquid gold does not come from a supermarket carton – they tend to contain comparatively little fruit or veg and far, far too much sugar. You are better off by a carrot’s length or two making your own juices at home – freshly squeezed and ready to boost your health. Juices are easy to prepare and will help you to increase your live-giving uptake of fresh fruit and vegetables – although they should not be considered a total replacement for eating whole fruit and veg that contain necessary fibres and roughage. The easiest and most efficient method of juicing is by using a juicer that separates the liquid from the pulp in seconds to produce a delicious, nutritious snack.

If you’re not yet convinced you’ll soon be a juicing convert

The Benefits of Juicing

  1. Juicing is the quickest and easiest way of getting essential nutrients from fruit and veg into your body.

  2. You can use different combinations according to your dietary needs and your favourite tastes.

  3. Fresh juices are excellent for detoxing your body and waking up a sluggish digestive system.

  4. If you or your child do not like the taste of a particular fruit or veg, you can juice it and add another product you do like to ensure you are not missing out on essential vitamins and minerals.

  5. For those on a weightloss programme, consuming juices is an excellent way to ensure you keep up energy levels.